Situated between three mountains, Bandung is known for soothing cool weather, the same places at higher altitudes. It was also probably the reason why Bandung usually referred ‘Paris van Java’ with a rich artistic and cultural heritage.
1. Saung Angklung Udjo
Image credit:Angklung Udjo Indonesia
A group of happy kids lines up in traditional Sundanese costume, welcoming all visitors as they walk into the green bamboo hall of Saung Angklung Udjo Village in Bandung, West Java. Only construed as Udjo’s House of Angklung, this one-stop cultural workshop offers a complete experience around angklung, a traditional Indonesian musical instrument made of bamboo. Angklung consists one single note, creating a soothing chord. It produces sound when it is shaken rapidly. The ensemble may consist of 3 or 4 players to a full orchestra playing.
2. Museum Of The Asian-african Conference
Image credit:TripAdvisor
A place for the historic first Asian-African Conference held in 1955, the museum is now recognized as a tone milestone in the world history. Brings together the 29 countries of Asia and Africa, this conference is one of the pioneers of peace in turbulent times cold war.To remind the world and continues to act on the principles of the Bandung Declaration, the venue of this memorable first Asian-African Conference – Gedung Merdeka – has been converted into a museum to be a constant source of inspiration to the world.
3. St Peter’s Cathedral
Image credit:TripAdvisor
A beautiful structure and a tranquil setting make it a favorite church of the city.
4. Manglayang Festival
Image credit:Pikiran Rakyat
Manglayang Festival of arts and culture festival held Manglayang region Hill, right in Kampong Cibolerang, Cinunuk village, subdistrict Cileunyi. This event can be seen in the art of pole, a rifle-firing, the top of the timber, and rubber jump rope, can also be seen ethnic Sundanese art equipment, such as dolls and masks, which are placed in Saung Kamonesan.
5. Ujung Berung Festival
Image credit:Pikiran Rakyat
Ujung Berung is one rather than areas east of Bandung, a place for creative people. Ujung Berung Festival itself is an activity held various traditional arts, among others benjang, reak, angklung, Jaipong and others again, which aims to perpetuate the traditional culture in the city of Bandung.